The compost room
Experience how soil is created!

Our educational approach in short:
With the help of the Terrabox, we want to introduce children and young people to the topics of composting, circular economy, soil improvement, earthworms and microorganisms and make their potential (CCS: Carbon Capture Storage) in the fight against climate change tangible. And that right in the classroom. The Terrabox comes with a knowledge lexicon as well as a work and experiment booklet, which prepares educators and teaching staff in their educational work and supports them in their implementation. We use a variety of new and tried and tested learning methods that directly address 6 (2,6,11,12,13,15) of the 17 UN sustainability goals.
The special thing about the Terrabox is that it can be experienced through an integrated viewing window and a child-friendly design and size. Furthermore, we have already carried out great projects in various educational institutions - with a lasting effect. Because the Terrabox is not a one-day experiment, but stays in the respective facility for years and can give small food for thought every day.
Why does the Terrabox help to understand?
The Terrabox is the smallest compost you can look at. With the Terrabox you can turn common organic waste such as peppers, zucchini and tomatoes back into soil/humus directly in the classroom with the help of earthworms and microorganisms. In this way, the rest becomes a resource again, which helps us to get more CO2, more water and more diversity into our soil. The Terrabox not only looks really good, but also comes with a variety of accompanying materials for your ESD work.
whole 6 out of 17
A healthy soil is essential when it comes to achieving the 17 sustainability goals. In particular, the build-up of humus, which is the result of composting alone, is the most important backbone. So let's spread the humus - not starting tomorrow, but starting today!

By the way, we are already an official UNESCO player. see for yourself :)

Added value for KITA & schools
Small. Small effort. Big impact.

Fits in every room and doesn't stink

Ideal for children up to 8th grade

through the unique viewing window you can understand how earth is made from peppers

With experiment booklet + knowledge compass and instructions

Presents its own circular economy in the classroom

Accompanies children and classes over several years

Requires little attention from teaching staff
"The Terrabox has been running in our classroom for a good year now and every child now knows what goes in a compost and what doesn't."
What other educators and teachers who already use terrabox say:
Sandra b.
Elementary school in Buxtehude
“Jonathan stayed with us for two days as part of our project week. The children now know what humus is and there was also a great video.”
Tobias K
High School Soltau, Gymnasium
“The early friendship with nature is particularly important for city children. That's why we brought the Earthmakers to us and brought the children into contact with the earthworms!
Suzanne T
Nursery Ohlsdorf
Would you like to get in touch with us and would you like to find out more about the terrabox and its possible uses?
Then send us a small inquiry, we will prepare ourselves and get back to you as soon as possible. We look forward to normal inquiries, but we especially enjoy crazy ideas!
And get our presentation to show around.